About Tool Zero

Product Engineering Supply Chain

At Tool Zero, our mission is to revolutionize how product teams think about product carbon footprints and sustainable design. We are passionate about product design and the impacts the products we love have on our environment. We believe that sustainable product design needs to be more than an afterthought, and with the right tools can be a core pillar of how leading brands tackle the climate issues impacting all of us.

Meet the Founders

Chris Walton

Chris Walton

CEO, CO-Founder


Chris is a former Apple product design lead having spent the last 5 years designing, building and shipping world renowned products for Apple. He also lead engineering efforts into environmental and carbon reduction initiatives for several products in an effort to meet Apple's goal for all it's products to be carbon neutral by 2030. Chris brings his deep understanding of product engineering to Tool Zero with the goal of cementing sustainable design as a foundation for product businesses across industries.

Oksana Zvarych

Oksana Zvarych

CTO, CO-Founder


Oksana is a former Meta software engineer with 5 years of experience building software for Meta’s ad group. With experience in both technical implementation and design Oksana brings her unique skills to Tool Zero allowing us to deliver functional and beautiful software tools that pave the way for a more sustainable future. Under Oksana's leadership we are able to deliver software that not only saves our customers time and money but is also a joy to use.